Ten small things I've learned about Switzerland

Silence - clinique - merci.

Silence - clinique - merci.

  1. Dogs are allowed inside. I still can't get over seeing dogs on the train, in lifts, in shopping centres, supermarkets, and in restaurants. Luckily they are almost universally well behaved. (As a side note, a dog on a train must have its own ticket. I'm not joking).

  2. Once a bus' doors are shut, it's unlikely the driver will open them again for you, even if the bus is stationary and you're in plain sight, waving and frantically pushing the door-opening button. This must be how they run on time.

  3. The word "natel" means mobile phone, across all language regions of Switzerland, and nowhere else in the entire world.

  4. A 100% chance of rain means it will rain, even though it looks so nice outside, so take an umbrella.

  5. Everyone walks on the right hand side on footpaths and stairs. If you're on the wrong side people will not move out of your way, rather they will just stare you down until you yield meekly.

  6. "Service!" means "you're welcome!".

  7. The Swiss don't have middle names and seem uncomfortable shortening names. Thus I have to push to just be called Tim.

  8. On a sign, a red circle with no red bar across it means that whatever is depicted inside the circle is banned, not that it is allowed, or - god forbid - encouraged.

  9. It is completely normal for an apartment to come without light fittings. Why would the owner supply light fittings? Do you expect furniture and a doormat too?

  10. It is obligatory to have a standardised name plate on your letterbox. Of course this also costs a small amount.


Rochers de Naye and Montreux


Wine and chestnuts