Fieldwork animals

There are some cool animals around the field area I'm visiting for my PhD.

The cat.

The cat.

About two minutes after we arrive at the camp site we stay at in France, this cat comes streaking in like a grey blur through the grass, meowing and making all sorts of fuss. It then sets up camp outside the door of the cabin, on the doormat, and will not move the entire time we are there. Day or night, there he is, ready to ask for food and eager to get inside the door.

The dog.

The dog.

There's also a dog that lives at the camp ground. She has a troubled relationship with the cat, as per the stereotype. This border collie is four months old and skittish as all get out. Before she knew me she came up all nervous; it took her three goes to get close, with a mad dash away in between each go, and a worried approach with much bowing of her head. Once she realised I wasn't a threat she was all fun and jumps and muddy paws.

The cow.

The cow.

This cow hangs out near the radar site, along with its brethren. Although this particular cow doesn't have a bell, there must be some with bells around because the herd can be heard, moving around on the steep slopes.


The worm.

This enormous worm is the biggest earthworm I have ever seen. I wouldn't be surprised if it could dig through concrete, or wrestle a spider. Look at the size of it!!

And those are the cool animals around the field area I'm visiting for my PhD.


Vevey's bird-life


Rainfall, but not shovels