Putty Beach
Putty Beach is on the Central Coast to the north of Sydney. It’s in the Bouddi National Park, but is right next to the little town of Killcare where you can buy coffee and pizza, so it’s not exactly remote — in fact, as we discovered in February, it’s the ideal spot for a first family camping trip.
Putty Beach.
The afternoon we arrived the sea was wild and salt spray filled the air. By the next day, though, things had calmed considerably and the beach and water were just gorgeous. We walked part of the Bouddi coastal walk, and from high on the cliffs you could see large fish swimming in the swell below.
The campsite itself is beautiful with well-spaced sites and, in real-estate terms, it is “only moments” from the beach. What a real-estate ad would neglect to mention is the number and sheer persistence of the bush turkeys that live there. Look away for a second and one (or three) will be in your stuff looking for crumbs.
What a spot!
A fish thinking “aw crap” because it’s stuck in a rockpool until the tide comes back in.