An incredible week in New Zealand

Tanya and I have just spent the most amazing week in New Zealand. It was fantastic to catch up with so many great friends and both our lovely families. As well as that, here are just some of the awesome things that happened.

The weather in the South Island was perfect for more than a week.

The weather in the South Island was perfect for more than a week.

There was still pohutukawa in flower.

There was still pohutukawa in flower.

We got to see Anna (here at Mapua port).

We got to see Anna (here at Mapua port).

There were rivers and the ocean to swim in, and mountains to marvel at.

There were rivers and the ocean to swim in, and mountains to marvel at.

Tanya took a special side trip to Wellington.

Tanya took a special side trip to Wellington.

There were beautiful patterns on Tahunanui beach.

There were beautiful patterns on Tahunanui beach.

We drank Marbourough white.

We drank Marbourough white.

We caught up with old friends we miss lots (some shown here in a moustache tree).

We caught up with old friends we miss lots (some shown here in a moustache tree).

When the weather did turn bad, it was atmospheric (here at Cable Bay).

When the weather did turn bad, it was atmospheric (here at Cable Bay).

Tanya didn't miss out on getting out her red umbrella.

Tanya didn't miss out on getting out her red umbrella.

There was good beach-combing to be had.

There was good beach-combing to be had.

I saw the world's clearest fresh water at Pu Pu springs.

I saw the world's clearest fresh water at Pu Pu springs.

Artists had been on the go in Nelson.

Artists had been on the go in Nelson.

It was light late into the evenings.

It was light late into the evenings.

Everything was green and alive.

Everything was green and alive.

Tanya gave me a ring, and I gave her one too!

Tanya gave me a ring, and I gave her one too!


Two types of kangaroo


Clancy jumps off Takaka Hill